Saturday, November 3, 2012

#? - Get a tattoo

I haven't decided if I will actually do this or not but I thought I would throw it on the blog and see if I get any comments or suggestions from my readers.

Getting a tattoo means figuring out what I want and where I want to put it.

I have started to look at what I may want as a tattoo and thought I share some of the images....  Here  are some of the ones that are interesting to me:

1) Canadian Flag - I thought this was a cool spin.  I never made the olympic wrestling team so I will stay away from the leaf with the Olympic rings tattoo

2) Honu + Soccer Ball - I thought this one was neat as the primary tattoo subject I have been investigating have been linked with SCUBA diving.  What caught my eye on this one was the fact that there was a soccer ball in place of the shell so it mixed two of my passions - SCUBA diving and soccer.

3) Shark - Lots of cool sharks out there but for me personally I would prefer to keep it monochromatic vs some of the vibrant coloured tattoos (look amazing but just not me).

4) Another Shark - This is Christine's favourite of the 5 pictures

 5) Shark - This one is very similar to #3

Stay tuned...I have not decided to do or not do this one yet.

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