Tuesday, November 6, 2012

#3 - Run a 5K Race

Although I have run a number of 10K races and a 1/2 marathon, I have yet to run a 5K race.  So...today I registered for the 28th Annual Brita Resolution Run
which will be held on Sunday December 30th 9:30am at  the CNE.  This gives me 
almost 2 months to get myself in 5K shape.  In the past, I have been able to 
finish a 10K in under 50mins, so the question remans can I run a 5K in under
25mins?  Good news now is that I am playing indoor soccer every Monday evening 
and I believe (perhaps naively) that this will count as my speed work out :-)  Now
I will just need to do some distance runs...this should be a piece of cake. LOL

1 comment:

  1. I started my "formal" preparation for the resolution run today. 7 weeks from now I will have completed the 5K race. Today I ran 3.7km at an average pace of 5'28" this evening. Will need to keep running at least 3x per week including my indoor soccer on Monday evenings.
