Saturday, November 3, 2012

#1 - Start a blog

I have always wanted to start a blog, but I could never figure out anything interesting enough for people to actually care about reading.  The idea of the "40 Things" journey seemed to lend itself to a blog so I thought, what a great way to scratch the first item off my list.

For those who care, there a many tools to assist you in writing and publishing a blog.  Those who know me will probably be surprised that I have gone with the easiest and least technical solution.  Believe me, I looked at more sophisticated ways to set up a blog using WordPress and having it hosted on some vanity named website.  However, given this is my first ever blog and who knows whether or not I will actually have the stamina to keep it going, I figured I'd keep it cheap and cheerful.

Probably more as a note for myself, but if I do keep this blog going and/or can think of something people may actually care about reading/commenting on, I know what I will do.  I will self-host a Wordpress blog ( seems to be good for Wordpress) and will get a cool domain name that would match the topic of my blog.  On the Mac there are two popular tools for writing a blog.  Marsedit and MacJournal.  Based on my reading MacJournal seems to be the best because it also has a free iPAD and iPHONE app that allows you to post to your self-hosted Wordpress blog as well.

Well for now, I have crossed off my first item...writing a blog.  One down, 39 more to complete.

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