Saturday, November 3, 2012

#2 - Participate in Movember and grow a moustache

The idea that started it all.  It was this idea that got me thinking about "what other things could I do" now that I will be 40.  

I have always been the clean cut preppy guy, so growing a moustache is a bit foreign to me.  I have toyed with the idea in the past but have never seriously considered growing facial hair. This time I am committed to doing it and have the support of Christine (who prefers the clean cut look :-)) to go forward with this.

I am now officially registered on the Movember Canada website and you can watch my progress as I try to raise money for men's health.

I have to admit I am cheating slightly as the rules say no goatee...however, me with a moustache feels out of place for me personally.

Scratch #2 off the list...38 more to go.  However, Christine suggests I shouldn't cross it off until the end of the month when I finish the moustache growing and go back to my clean cut look.

Well it's Nov 24th and I have been growing my Movember 'stache for almost a month. I have raised over $400 so far. A modest amount relative to others bit every dollar counts. Thank you to everyone who has supported me.

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